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~~~Vacation At Ahmedabad~~~

Hi all its time again i wrote here
exams ended well as planed except for the fact with lot of tensions n problems
but as we say all is well tht ends well
so now is vacc time but wait ppl dont let us enjoy tomm is our results jus dunno how ill fair again tension
but well forget the tensions n results and ill tell u abt my vacc for a week at ahmedabad at my mamas place
let me first tell u who all r there over there
MY MAMA he is 42 Mr Cyrus Dastur
MY MAMI she is 40 Mrs Binaifer Dastur
My COUSINS one is 1yr 6 mnts Vazaan Dastur
and other is 6 yrs Natasha Dastur
a cute family
so myself benaz and farah left for ahmedabad on 10th monday by shatabdi begins at 6:20 am frm mumbai central
dad had come to leave us
i got no mindow seat. had to sit and get bored but i read the bk given by sari
later i slept then when ppl got down at surat i went and sat on the window seat :)
later we reached on time exactly tht is at 1:30pm
mama was there to recieve us as we came out it was so hot, dam hot!!
mama started the ac in the car but no use
later felt a little better
then came home me the kidos so cute they were and fun to be with
had food then took a little rest Natasha had to go for swimming at 4 and she was reluctant to go may be was scared so had to patao her to go finally she went
then was back at 5 then we went down for a stroll in the compound
came back had dinner
now later mama put beds on the floor in their room since there was an ac there
so the kids had lot of fun jumping arround
farah n natasha enjoyed a lot
everyday jumping and playing some stupid game but they used to play
and wht to tell abt vazaan god knows wht happ he jus loved walking there
may be he used to take evening walks there to digest his meal
jus wouldnt leave bed then later he used to cry n sleep
this was everyday almost hardly a day when he didnt cry
next day went to meet nani went to the old house jus got back all gud old memories spent there we had played so much there when we were small so many memories lovely sad gud bad all
then came back home went to mamis inlaws place for dinner
came back same story abt the bed
next day was at home
evening went to a place called road rash were there were several game to play we played the various coin games and then also did go carting
when doing so first i dashed the car
then tht car part broke later i drove well frm the new car
then 4th day we went for a movie malamal weekly
it was quite boring movie but had fun
then next day went for a ride and later had dinner ouside
then next day also went out in the evening to sports club of ahmedabad had dinner there tht was more of snacks then on the last day again met nani and later caught the train on monay at 5 am
and was back to mumbai at 12:40pm
it was lovely being back
but i really enjoyed there
had forgetten all my worries
but now have tension for tomm
hope i get gud grades !!!!!!!~~~~~~~


Anonymous said…
hi tanaz, thx 4 the sweets u brought 4 all of us.
bring sum more.
Anonymous said…
arre chokri, jaldi update kar ni.
su thai gayu tane.ahmd na vacation pachi ketlu badhu tahi gayu che.lakh ne eni baare maa.

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