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Every one of us dreams
Dreams are a part of each ones lifes
but some dreams are so scary tht u get up in a bad mood
one such dream i would like to share with u
dont exactly remm when but somewhere 2 weeks back

Well it started this way
i am at malad and i am looking at a train which is about to leave, i run for the train but am unable to run and i fall down
after i get up again start running and get into the last dabba
this dabba is general dabba and i decide to get down next station n get into ladies
but next station doesnt at all come
i am waiting waiting
finally i get onto plaza and the train somehow leaves me at plaza bridge
(well dunno how the train reached there but its a dream yaar some funny things)
so finally i get down there
now i walk to wards the bus stop
while walking i reach bus stop but there is no one there jus no one
no one on the road jus some ppl who r drunk or very dirty n skiny
am i am standing no cars moving
no bus nothing at all
i am so scared i start shivering
i close my eyes n starting praying praying very loudly
when i open my eyes all i see arround me is dogs n nothing else
and i get scared of dogs as u all know
so again i close eyes aand start praying
later i hear noise of buses n cars later when i open eyes all is back to normal

then dad woke me up
so couldnt see wht happ later
the dream may sound funny
even i am laughing
but when i saw it, it was scary believe me!!!


Unknown said…
nuSweetu >:D<
Every dream has a meaning, I can't decipher your dream though!
The moral of your dream can be, everything will be fine in the end just keep faith.

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